The Second Second


【德哈】德拉科写给哈利的一封信 英翻



这篇是笙笙 @The Second Second 的德拉科写给哈利的一封信的英翻!也是把笙笙“丢出”国门 “的第一步hhh

啊啊啊这是我激情熬夜渣翻的产物 也很感谢群里妹子们的帮忙外加也是她们激发了我这个想法


真-英渣翻 有语法错误也欢迎指出这样我就可以改 然后有些生词我也会后面用括号标出来 各位就当成是阅读理解吧!(边看德哈文边提升自己的英文nice)


                                A letter from Draco to Harry

    “I think I can hug you, kiss you and touch you right now. I picture your hands, your lips, and your naked skin in my mind,your body honestly feeling the heat when you actually touch me. But, of course,I do feel it, most of the time with pain.”

       I’m missing you and yearning for you,potter, and I don't know if you're like me. Mother sent me a beautifully wrapped lipstick, which I was instructed to give to pansy at the party. It was best to paint her before giving it to her, with just to say appropriately(合适地),'that color suits you.'

        To learn to please girls -- but she doesn’t tknow, but I want to tell her, pansy has long known where my heart is, do not have expectations, and what I want to do more is to use this lipstick on your body daub(涂抹) the color that belongs to me, let me know you can be mine. But you will never know, because you won't see this letter. Like the same of many letters before it and will remain in the box and my memory. The affectionate(深情) things which you cannot accept, is not said with you. The impossible things, or just my own story for the best.

        Sunlight penetrates(穿过) the room through the half-open windows and falls on yellowed paper which makes the time tell in a simple. This was the last letter he wrote to Porter, and after that the road had twists andturns(曲折) , eventually he got rid of the habit.

        Draco folded the letter paper carefully and put it in his chest pocket. It was close to the heart. Across the cloth, he patted his chest gently, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

         Today is his wedding, can't export the affection(情意), noisy love on the tip of the pen, finally become the past. Draco got up, tidy(整理) up his tie and suit, turned around and opened the door to theauditorium(礼堂).

       “What are you doing inside?”

          The man who had been waiting on the red carpet reached out his hand with complaint. Draco smoothed the collar(衣领) folds ofhim with apology.

        “Let's go.” He bent(曲) his right arm a little,and the other man smiled crookedly(嘴角弯着笑). Interlaced(交错) with his wrist(手腕) and ten finger sintertwined(交缠). The wet palms revealed(透露) Draco’s anxiety and made him swell up with joy in his mind.

          "Are you ready?" Draco asked softly, the melody of the wedding march out of the frequency of his heartbeat. The man holding his hand and took a deep breath,then giving him a smile. The emerald(绿宝石), sparkling(闪耀) in the sun, and the warm sunshine wrapped the response of heavy weight.

           When Draco returned home, his lover, whowas injured on business, did not rest in bed, but sat on the sofa and read abook.


            Hearing the helpless voice of his lover,Harry raised his head and looked at Draco. Maybe Harry's eyes banter(戏谑) was so intense(强烈) that Draco had no reason to feel bad about it. He took a close look at Harry's book, the name of which was so vulgar(庸俗) that it shook his heart.

         “ Young Malfoy's secret thoughts."Draco said as calmly as possible, "What kind of gossip collection is there?”

           "What's out of the box." Harryshowed Draco the inside of the book. I bound them up to date and listened tothis passage----- ‘I can't imagine that a messy-haired Potter could beat me with his green eyes. But it's a fact, when you look at me, bitter words come out of my mouth by turning a corner. When you look at someone else, I can hardly help attacking the person who falls into your eyes...’

          "Don't read!" Draco's face turnedred and want to grab the book. Harry drew back flexibly and carefully closedthe book.

          "We are together now." Harrysaid, "Still hiding it from me? I must accuse you of not having saidanything sweet to me----- if I hadn't seen it."

           Draco sipped(抿) his lips. " You're going to laugh like a fool." He said, "Or laugh at me like a fool."

          “A little." Harry stood up and put his hand around Draco's neck. "First of all, you know my wound has healed. So,my dear fool, do you still have that lipstick?”

            Draco tore(扯) his tie away.

            "I've been waiting for it to come in handy."


后记:啊啊啊!真的只有自己真的做过英翻才知道这是多么痛苦!!!为了一个词而在那边纠结 字典电脑什么全都用上还是不是道怎么办TT 能翻出这篇文章真的太不容易了 也希望大家能喜欢hhh


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